Manufactured and Marketed by Progenix Healthcare


Manufactured and Marketed by Progenix Healthcare


Our Advantages

Curabitur vitae risus nec justo consequat venenatis quis laoreet velit. Aliquam laoreet massa sed suscipit mollis.

Pre workout

Sit laudem tractatos persecuti simul legere ius, te vix liber utamur commodo gloriatur intellegam pro.


His ea labitur oporteat voluptatum, porro malorum scripserit mea te. Ius error dicant feugiat tibique.

Fish Oil

An fierent reprehendunt mea, pro eu omnes assueverit salutatus duo. An qui summo ponderum conceptam.

Fresh Products

Sit laudem tractatos persecuti ne, ex simul legere ius, te vix liber utamur commodo intellegam pro.

The Focus

At Genetic Code, the supplements are formulated by the top nutritionists and scientists in the industry, and produced in a world-class facility. We bring the highest quality nutritional ingredients to you from the world’s most trusted suppliers. We don’t cut costs with generic powders or cheap synthetics. We use standardized extracts so there’s no second guessing the potency of our supplements from bottle to bottle

Pre workout

GENETIC CODE is a line of food supplements consists of a range of products aimed at physical activity


products comprise several categories of supplements (energy, protein, hydroelectrolytic, functional, among others)

Fish Oil

Fish oil comes from many types of fish. It is rich in two important omega-3

Fresh Products

We've designed a couple of routines to combat the fresh challenges you face, however you like to exercise.


At Genetic Code, the supplements are formulated by the top nutritionists and scientists in the industry, and produced in a world-class facility. We bring the highest quality nutritional ingredients to you from the world’s most trusted suppliers. We don’t cut costs with generic powders or cheap synthetics. We use standardized extracts so there’s no second guessing the potency of our supplements from bottle to bottle

The 5 Best Protein Supplements for Training

Pre workout

GENETIC CODE is a line of food supplements consists of a range of products aimed at physical activity


products comprise several categories of supplements (energy, protein, hydroelectrolytic, functional, among others)

The 5 Best Protein Supplements for Training

Pre workout

GENETIC CODE is a line of food supplements consists of a range of products aimed at physical activity


products comprise several categories of supplements (energy, protein, hydroelectrolytic, functional, among others)

Fish Oil

Fish oil comes from many types of fish. It is rich in two important omega-3

Fresh Products

We've designed a couple of routines to combat the fresh challenges you face, however you like to exercise.

Fish Oil

Fish oil comes from many types of fish. It is rich in two important omega-3

Fresh Products

We've designed a couple of routines to combat the fresh challenges you face, however you like to exercise.

What People Say
